My life journey began in Longview, TX. Twenty months after I was born, I was adopted by the Imhoof family. I then moved to what would be my home for the next 25 years, McAllen, TX. Growing up in the Rio Grande Valley, the southernmost region of Texas, I spend a lot of time outdoors or at the beach. 

     After graduation, I started my degree in graphic design at Texas State Technical College. At that point in my life, I had worked strictly in the restaurant industry. With a good understanding of Adobe products such as Photoshop and Illustrator, I applied to be a Graphic Artist for South Texas Neon Signs. For the next four years I worked in the sign industry. 

My work with South Texas Neon validated that Graphic Design was the right career choice for me. I wanted to return to school, but chose to enlisted in the US ARMY in support of the  Global War on Terrorism instead. Through my selfless service to our country, I obtained the Post 911 G.I.Bill. With that, I have been able to continue my education in Graphic Design.